Decentralized digital ecosystem

3 min readJun 20, 2021

One of the most practical words that can be mentioned in digital technologies is decentralized ecosystem based on blockchain technology. If we study the terminology and also the meaning of this word, we are able to identify which network really is secure and reliable.
Digital ecosystems have 5 principles:

Internal and external interactivity

According to aforementioned components we are able to study each project and networks that call themselves decentralized ecosystem, and decide whether they really are decentralized digital ecosystem or they are only exploiting the ecosystem title.
In this article I am not going to study or mention a particular project, but I am going to explain how to study and distinguish real decentralized digital ecosystems.

In the current cyber world, stability is not only being alive and accessibility, but also proper functioning of a network, no processing issue, relatively fast response to users (species that exist in the ecosystem) are the most important components of network stability.
The most tangible example for better understanding is “Linux” (my favorite operating system).
A processing core that was properly designed and developed from the beginning and offered to other developers. A processing core that gifted its abilities to users without curbing them and people who have Linux characteristics optimize it and gift it to others (this is a stable development chain). Linuxies have developed various distributions in the core of Linux without any limitation (even me!).
Are limited networks distributable?
Adaptability is one of the most important principles in decentralized world. The purpose of blockchain networks is dissipating focus and avoiding information monopolization. When users of a network (blockchain) are not able to transfer data amongst other blockchain networks without intermediaries (exchangers), this would be considered as a type of information monopolization and limitation.
Self-organization is one of the components that leads to increasing the lifespan and performance of digital ecosystems. Each Self-organization in blockchain networks that are systematic would result in better performance of these type of networks which have less variability amongst other networks.
Self-organization needs to be designed in an entirely systematic way from the very beginning, and studying the structure of this portion needs to be done in multiple stages in order to get the maximum lifespan. The future of network users and species inside the ecosystem depends on systematic and standard management by the network itself.
In my opinion, the best type of Self-organization is combining artificial intelligence science inside blockchain network. A smart network that is capable of learning, organizing and encountering with undetermined issues.
Network Interactivity is also an important tip which needs to be considered in designing every digital project. Unfortunately, in some projects lack of attention to this matter can be observed. Cyber prophecy means that the requests of next generation users be studied and anticipated. We should study the amount of network load in the next seasons and probable issues from the beginning in cyber labs in order to address the issues of users and network as much as possible. Moreover, we need to optimize and simplify the interaction between users and network as well as interaction between network and network.
Undoubtedly networks and ecosystems that have such problems and their user interaction is limited, did not consider cyber prophecy. According to the aforementioned, an assessment table can be drawn and by writing the characteristics of each network that call itself decentralized ecosystem, can be studied and how this network is close to its title. My co-workers and I in overclock company have added a principle to decentralized digital ecosystem components which is security.
Blockchain network according to the topology and information transfer protocols have optimized security in comparison with other existing networks that employ traditional topology. However, blockchain is not an exception to these cyber threats. Therefore, security components needs to be considered in these networks.
Associated with this matter, we also studied distributablity and adaptability under technical magnifier. By considering the cyber future, we have designed a real decentralized digital ecosystem which is Overclock decentralized ecosystem.
I am trying to write briefly but understandable, and far from spamming in my explanation. As I have a passion to completely explain about this ecosystem, I will explain about Overclock decentralized ecosystem in a separate article. With the title of “Overclock Decentralized Ecosystem”.
Behzad Qasemi




What we do is overclocking your cybersecurity. Due to the effectiveness of cyber world in our lives despite its weakness in the security section.